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SPECTRE Hochgeschwindigkeits-FPV-Nurlügler

Artikl: HC1745
SPECTRE - high speed FPV flying wing.
The wing is designed in accordance with the FPVWRA (FPV Wing Racing Association) Spec Wing Class rules for speed flying on a designated track. Weitere Informationen
Auf Lager mehr als 5 Stück
108,03€ mit Steuer 89,28€ ohne Steuer
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SPECTRE - high speed FPV flying wing.
The wing is designed in accordance with the FPVWRA (FPV Wing Racing Association) Spec Wing Class rules for speed flying on a designated track.
The models for this category have precise specifications, e.g. wingspan, power unit (motor, propeller, battery), material, airfoil etc.
Most races are held in the USA. In Europe there have been a few competitions in the UK and Germany.

SPECTRE can fly really fast (with a recommended equipment of about 170km/h). So even if you don't have competition ambitions but want to get some adrenaline flowing, SPECTRE is the obvious choice!

For detailed information about Spec Wing Class rules check https://fpvwra.net/spec-wing-courses-2/

Needed to complete:
RC System min. 4Ch - TX and small RX with 2pcs servos 10-15g MG e.g. MASTER FORCE MFA-1109MG No. HC4310.
Servo extension leads, 2pcs 10-15cm No. HC4479.

Power Unit:
1. brushless motor with weight aproximatelly 50g and 2200kv, ESC MC-22A No. HC3370, propeller APC 6/4” and battery LiPo 3S 2200mAh (by FPVWRASpec Wing Class rules), propellerAPC 6/4”, or

2. brushless motor MASTER FORCE 2826CA-11 No. HC3507 (150W, kv1500) with ESC MC-22ANo. HC3370, propellerAPC 6/4” and battery LiPo 4S 1500mAh.

FPV equipment of your choice. According to FPVWRA rules, VTX 200mW/5.8GHz raceband (e.g. TBS Unify Pro Race) must be used.
The plastic camera mount in the kit is designed for Micro or Mini FPV camera (e.g. Foxeer Predator 5 Micro), antenna is recommended e.g. Foxeer Lillipop 5.8G.

Next items needed - CA thin with CA kicker and basic tools (screw driver, small pliers etc.).
We recommend using a hot melt glue gun for better bonding of the covering film.

+420 313 564 381
[email protected]
Hacker Model Production a.s.
Zahradní 465, 270 54 Řevničov (Karte)
Tschechische Republik
ID NUMMER: 63271532, Ust-IdNr: CZ63271532

MO - DO: 9:00 - 16:00
FR: 9:00 - 14:00
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