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About us

When a hobby turns into work ...




... then it bears the most beautiful fruits.

And we firmly believe that this is exactly our case.


The company Hacker Model Production, which among other things operates the model railway paradise, has been producing a large number of models for 30 years. From the moment when the passionate model maker Karel Hacker decided to turn his hobby into his profession.

He started with RC airplanes, which he produced with his father in his garage. Even then, you made an international name for yourself in the industry by being one of the first manufacturers to bring ARF models onto the market - flight models that are delivered almost ready to fly at fair prices. When their garage became too small, they moved into larger company premises. 


Later Karels son Ondra joined the team. With him Karel was also successful in electric pylon races. With their models, they have been world champions several times, and they even set an FAI recognized world speed record in the F5D FAI category. 

In 2000, Karel had to move production to his own building in Řevničov. In 2005 he bought the first professional 3D laser printer. Hacker Model Production thus became a pioneer of 3D printing in the Czech Republic and expanded its production to include custom-made plastic parts. This printer is also used to build functional prototypes, e.g. B. drills, vacuum cleaners or bumpers. 


The company is still based in evničov in a 2,500 square meter building. It manufactures RC planes, ships and sailing boats, but also packaging for many purposes, including for its own products. And since 2019 accessories for electric train models have also been produced. 

When Karel got the idea of entering the model railroading market, his colleagues thought he was crazy - but he was able to establish himself in the market. And so Trainhouse was founded. Hacker Model Production produces special panels for the construction of tracks, ramps, embankments and all the trimmings. And of course she sells model trains in all variants, from the small N gauge to the G gauge of the garden railway. The lanes can be controlled with a tablet or mobile phone and, apart from their size, are indistinguishable from the real ones - they growl, hiss, honk, whistle, shine and smoke. 

Treat yourself to the fun of driving a model train. After all, where else can you take a beautiful Czech Railways express train under the impressive model of Harry Potters Hogwarts School?


This year Karel decided to expand the production area of model boats with an internationally known and popular model sailboat. After thorough preparatory work, Hacker Model Production brings the small, powerful model sailing yacht New Micro Magic onto the market in different versions, which will delight recreational captains and regatta fans of the Micro Magic class alike.

+420 313 564 381
[email protected]
Hacker Model Production a.s.
Zahradní 465, 270 54 Řevničov (map)
Czech Republic
ID NUMBER: 63271532, Vat ID: CZ63271532

MON - THURS: 9:00 - 16:00
FRI: 9:00 - 14:00
SO: by telephone appointment

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